Ngā Toi

intonation (of voice)



Ko te āhua o te tangi mai o te reo o te tangata, arā, ko te piki me te heke o te reo i te roanga atu o te rerenga kōrero, ko te hātahi rānei; ko te wairua anō hoki o te kōrero, pēnā he maioro, he wainene rānei.

The nature of the sound of a person’s voice, such as the rise and fall in pitch, or monotone over the duration of a sentence, and also the feeling in the voice, such as whether it is discordant or mellifluous.

Tauira KŌrero

He tiotio ki aku taringa te hā o tōna reo.

Āta whakarongo ki te hā o tōna reo.

Me hāpiki i te mutunga o te rerenga kōrero nā te mea he pātai.

WhakamĀrama Āpitihanga

Mēnā e piki ana te hā i tētahi wāhi o te whakapuakanga kōrero, ka kīia he hāpiki. Mēnā e heke ana te hā, ko te hāheke tērā. Mēnā karekau he pikinga, he hekenga rānei o te hā, ko te hātahi tērā.

Takenga Mai

hā - tone of voice

Tauira KŌrero

He tiotio ki aku taringa te hā o tōna reo.

Āta whakarongo ki te hā o tōna reo.

Me hāpiki i te mutunga o te rerenga kōrero nā te mea he pātai.

WhakamĀrama Āpitihanga