A list of words relating to creating an object out of wood - deisgning, cutting, joining and embellishing.
He rārangi kupu e pā ana ki te waihanga taonga ki te rākau, arā, te hoahoa, te tapahi, te honohono me te whakarākei.
abrade, abrasive Noun, Transitive Verb
kowani ~tia (takenga mai: kowani - to scrape, abrade, scour)
tikanga arowhānui (takenga mai: aro - to take heed; whānui - widely, generally)
across the grain (timber) Noun, Adjective
tāmaku (takenga mai: tāmaku - to adze timber across the grain)
keu tīaroaro (takenga mai: keu - trigger [of a gun etc]; tīaroaro - to align)
āhuatanga rerehua
against the grain (timber) Adjective, Noun
harakōaro (takenga mai: hara [haratua] - to dress timber lengthwise with an adze, with the grain; kōaro - inverted, turned right round)
air dry Adjective, Transitive Verb
whakamaroke ā-hau
align, alignment Noun, Transitive Verb
tīaroaro ~a
angle marker, bevel marking tool Noun
tāhema (takenga mai: tā - to draw, mark; hema - bevel, chamfer)
raraunga ine tinana
anthropometry (field of study) Noun
mātai ine tinana (takenga mai: mātai - inspect, examine; mātai - field of study; ine - to measure; tinana - body)
niho tōrino
kātara (takenga mai: kātara - sharp point)
kani koropewa (takenga mai: koropewa - loop)
whakakopa paepae
wiri pūhiko
bearing guide, wheel guide Noun
wīrataki (takenga mai: wīra - wheel [kupu mino]; taki - to lead, bring along)
belt drive, belt driven Noun, Adjective, verb
whakahuri tātua (takenga mai: whakahuri - to turn, rotate; tātua - belt)
whakamaene tātua (takenga mai: whakamaene - to make smooth; whakamaene [pepa whakamaene] - sandpaper; tātua - belt)
hōanga tūpapa
puri rākau (takenga mai: puri - to hold, grip; rākau - wood)
hono pihikete (takenga mai: pihikete [kupu mino] - biscuit)
bit (for a drill or cutting tool) Noun
niho (takenga mai: niho - tooth)
marumata (takenga mai: maru - shield, safeguard; mata - blade)
takimata (takenga mai: taki [takitaki] - to lead, guide, escort, pilot; mata - blade)
whakatina ngoto mata (takenga mai: whakatina - to fix, control; ngoto - to penetrate, intensity, depth)
whakauka mata
renarena mata (takenga mai: renarena - tightness, tautness, tension)
whakatītaha mata (takenga mai: whakatītaha - to divert, slant, tilt)
poro rākau (kupu kē atu: tūporo)
tīwani paraka
pūnuki (kupu kē atu: pūhoi, pūhuki)
pūhoi (kupu kē atu: pūnuki, pūhuki)
whaowiri (takenga mai: whao - iron tool; wiri - to twist)
bore (a hole), drill Transitive Verb
kōwiri ~a
brad point drillbit, spur point bit Noun
niho toitoi (takenga mai: toitoi - point, tip)
build, make, construct, fabricate, construction, fabrication, product, object Noun, Transitive Verb
hanga ~ia ~hangā ~nga
hono karipapa (takenga mai: karipapa - to abut [of a flat surface against another])
kauae ine (takenga mai: kauae - jaw; ine - to measure)
aho tioka
niho hema
papa maramara (takenga mai: papa - board, timber, anything broad and flat; maramara - chip)
whao ~whia
puriniho (takenga mai: puri - to hold, grip; niho - tooth, cutting bit; niho [nihowiri] - drillbit)
whakaita puriniho (takenga mai: whaka- causative prefix; ita - tightly, firmly; puriniho - chuck [of a rotating tool])
kani porotītiti
whakakopa ~ina
client, customer, consumer Noun
matanui (takenga mai: matanui - to be coarse grained [of rock])
cog drive, gear driven Noun, Adjective, verb
whakahuri nihowhiti (takenga mai: whakahuri - to turn, rotate; nihowhiti - cog, gear)
compass (for drawing circles) Noun
concrete bit, masonry bit Noun
niho raima
popono kiritaki (takenga mai: popono - to covet, desire, hanker after)
consumer demographic, consumer profile Noun
hangapori kiritaki
mana kiritaki
keu whakahaere (takenga mai: keu - trigger; whakahaere - to control, cause to go)
kani whakaniko (takenga mai: whakaniko - to adorn with curves)
countersink Noun, Transitive Verb
niho korotiwha
tīwiri korotiwha (takenga mai: korotiwha - process of countersinking pieces of shell in carved objects)
niho kōpapa (takenga mai: niho - tooth, bit [of a tool]; kōpapa - concave)
hīpoki ~na
kani tāmaku (takenga mai: tāmaku - to adze timber across the grain)
cross cut, cut across the grain (woodwork) Noun, Transitive Verb
kani tāmaku (takenga mai: tāmaku - to adze timber across the grain)
crowbar, pinch bar, lever Noun
kauwhiti (takenga mai: kau [kakau] - shaft or handle of a tool; whiti - to turn over, prise with a lever)
curly grain, twisted grain (of timber) Noun
kakano mingimingi
cut with the grain, rip cut (timber) Noun, Transitive Verb
kani haratua (takenga mai: haratua - to dress timber lengthwise with an adze)
awahāngai (takenga mai: awa - groove; hāngai - to be at right angles)
depth control (of a tool) Noun
keu ngoto (takenga mai: keu - trigger [of a gun etc]; ngoto - to penetrate, depth)
design Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective
hoahoa ~tia
mahere hoahoa
āhuatanga hoahoa
mātāpono hoahoa
tukanga hoahoa
korahi (takenga mai: korahi - size, extent)
direct drive, direct transmission Noun, Adjective, verb
whakahuri horipū (takenga mai: whakahuri - to turn, rotate; horipū - direct)
whakamaene kōpae (takenga mai: whakamaene - to make smooth; whakamaene [pepa whakamaene] - sandpaper; kōpae - disk)
do it yourself, DIY Noun, Adjective
mahi kuhutahi (takenga mai: kuhu - to do on one's own; tahi - actually)
niho maeko (takenga mai: maeko - tail of a bird)
hono maeko (takenga mai: maeko - tail of a bird)
tia (takenga mai: tia - peg, stake, pin)
tāneke hautō (takenga mai: tā - causative prefix; neke - to move; hautō - drawer)
dressed timber, planed timber Noun
rākau whakahuene (takenga mai: whakahuene - to make smooth)
wiri ~a (kupu kē atu: tūwiri)
nihowiri (takenga mai: niho - teeth; wiri - drill)
wiritū (takenga mai: wiri - drill; tū - to stand, standing)
drive (of a screw, bolt etc) Noun
tāhuri (takenga mai: tā - causative prefix; huri - to turn)
whakamaene rango (takenga mai: whakamaene - to make smooth; whakamaene [pepa whakamaene] - sandpaper; rango - cylinder)
pēke puehu
niho poro tapa
hōanga hiko
whakamaene hiko (takenga mai: whakamaene - to make smooth; hiko - electric, electricity)
kani hiko
kakano poro (takenga mai: kakano - grain, texture; poro - butt end)
kāpia ēpohi (takenga mai: ēpohi [kupu mino] - epoxy)
ergonomic Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective
arotau (takenga mai: arotau - suitable, appropriate, suited)
ergonomics (field of study) Noun
mātai arotau (takenga mai: mātai - to inspect, examine; mātai - field of study; arotau - suitable, appropriate, suited)
āhuatanga matatika
korahi waho
fastener, fasten (hard materials) Noun, Transitive Verb
tāmau ~hia (takenga mai: tā - causative prefix; mau - be made fast, fixed)
taki (takenga mai: taki [takitaki] - to lead, guide, escort, pilot; taki [takitaki] - fence; taki [arataki] - to guide)
papa marariki (takenga mai: papa - board, timber, anything broad and flat; mara [maramara] - chip; riki - small, fine)
waku matarehu (takenga mai: waku - rub, scrape, abrade; matarehu - fine grained)
herepuru (takenga mai: herepuru - caulking, material for sealing the seams and holes of a canoe; puru - bung, plug, filler)
filler spatula, putty knife Noun
rapa herepuru (takenga mai: rapa - anything broad and flat, blade [of a paddle etc])
matarehu (takenga mai: matarehu - fine grained [of rock])
hono matimati
tautara (takenga mai: tautara - to fasten, affix, attach)
flat bit, spade bit (woodwork) Noun
niho papatahi
whao papatahi
nēra (pane) papatahi
tākai pararahi
rūri whakapeke (takenga mai: rūri - ruler [kupu mino]; whakapeke - to fold up)
niho kōripi (takenga mai: kōripi - to cut, slice)
tāpōareare (takenga mai: tā - to apply moko, to carve, cut, etch; tā [tāraro] - to adorn, ornament, decorate; pōareare - perforated)
functional attribute, functional property Noun
āhuatanga āheinga (takenga mai: āheinga - competence, ability, function)
nēra ārai waikura
glue together, fasten Transitive Verb
whakapiri ~a
kāpia (takenga mai: kāpia - resin, gum)
whao pewa
kauoro ~tia
grit number (for an abrasive) Noun
tau kowani (takenga mai: tau - number; kowani - to abrade, abrasive)
awa, awaawa
hono awaawa (takenga mai: awaawa - groove, valley, gully)
tarawhiti tipu (takenga mai: tarawhiti - to encircle, hoop, ring)
kani maitai (takenga mai: kani - saw; maitai - metal) (kupu kē atu: kanini)
pākuru ~a (kupu kē atu: hama)
hama ~ngia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: pākuru)
puringa (kupu kē atu: kakau)
kani ā-ringa
rawa mārō
rākau mārō
puri tāhuri (takenga mai: puri - to hold, means of holding; tāhuri - to make turn, rotate)
kōhiwi (kupu kē atu: taikākā)
taikākā (kupu kē atu: kōhiwi)
kāpia hiako
hinge Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective
kaurori ~hia (kupu kē atu: kauhuri)
kauhuri (kupu kē atu: kaurori)
kani kōhao
hoahoa kauawhi
korotiwha (takenga mai: korotiwha - inlay, the process of countersinking pieces of shell in carved objects) (kupu kē atu: honohono)
honohono (kupu kē atu: korotiwha)
whitianga roto
korahi roto
tukanga tukurua (takenga mai: tukurua - to repeat, do a second time, replicate) (kupu kē atu: tukanga tukurau, tukanga toai, tukanga whitiauau)
rauhanga (takenga mai: rauhanga - stratagem, tactic, device, manoeuvre)
kanipiko (takenga mai: kani - saw; piko - bent, curved)
join, joint (woodwork) Noun, Transitive Verb
hono, honohono
nēra (pane) tōpuku (takenga mai: pane - head; tōpuku - be rounded, bulbed)
keyed surface, roughened surface Noun
papa mātoretore (takenga mai: mātoretore - rough)
kickback (of a machine tool) Noun, Intransitive Verb
whana ~ia (takenga mai: whana - to spring back, kick [backwards], impel)
kiln dry (timber) Adjective, Transitive Verb
whakamaroke rō umu
kete waihanga
knob (handle of tool etc) Noun
reke (takenga mai: reke - knob, butt of a weapon) (kupu kē atu: pūreke, kou)
knob (handle of tool etc) Noun
pūreke (kupu kē atu: reke, kou)
knock-down joint, knock-down fitting Noun
honohono wāwāhi (takenga mai: honohono - to join together; wāwāhi - to split, divide, break open)
knot (in timber) Noun, Adjective
pūkanohi (kupu kē atu: pūmanga, pūpeka)
kirirunga (takenga mai: kiri - skin; runga - top, upper)
laminate (verb) Transitive Verb, Adjective
tāpatu ~hia (takenga mai: tāpatu - to cover; tāpatu [tāpatupatu] - place in layers, one upon another)
hono inaki (takenga mai: inaki - to overlap)
kuti taiaho
tūpā taiaho
latch (fastener) Noun, Transitive Verb
tūtaki ~na (kupu kē atu: whakarawa)
paetārai (takenga mai: pae - horizontal perch, rest; tārai - to fashion, shape, sculpt)
tumu paetārai (takenga mai: tumu - foundation, stump, base; paetārai - lathe)
level (flat) Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective
tūpā (takenga mai: tūpā - flat, level)
taupoki raka (takenga mai: taupoki - to cover; raka [kupu mino] - lock)
machine, mechanical device Noun
mīhini (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
make smooth, dress (of timber) Transitive Verb
whakahuene ~tia
kuru (kupu kē atu: tā)
kani kōhao ā-ringa
rangahau tauhokohoko
tāwhakarara (takenga mai: tā - to draw, mark; whakarara - parallel)
marking out (timber, metal etc) Transitive Verb
whakaimu ~tia (takenga mai: whaka - causative prefix; imu - cut indication mark, a notch in a tree indicating where it is to be cut down)
taputapu whakaimu
taputapu ine
nihowiri maitai
purimau maitai
mitre fence, mitre gauge, mitre guide Noun
taki hōtiu (takenga mai: taki [takitaki] - to lead, guide, escort, pilot; taki [takitaki] - fence; taki [arataki] - to guide; hōtiu - be oblique, inclined, sloping, at an angle)
hono hōtiu (takenga mai: hōtiu - be oblique, inclined, sloping, at an angle)
kani hōtiu (takenga mai: hōtiu - be oblique, inclined, sloping, at an angle)
hono puare-kou (takenga mai: puare - opening, hole; kou - protuberance, knob, end, stump)
nēra (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
pū nēra
peru (takenga mai: peru - head, as of a nail etc)
(toenga) tapahanga
(hua) tūtahi
wā poare
whakamaene amio (takenga mai: whakamaene - top make smooth; whakamaene [pepa whakamaene] - sandpaper; amio - to orbit, go round, roam)
whitianga waho
kāpia PVA
mana waihanga (takenga mai: mana - authority; waihanga - to make, build)
peg joint, dowel joint (woodwork) Noun
hono tia (takenga mai: tia - peg, stake, pin)
tapahanga hāngai
phillips head (screw) Noun, Adjective
pane rīpeka
physical attribute, physical property Noun
āhuatanga ōkiko (takenga mai: kiko - body, substance, content)
piece of wood, block of wood Noun
tūporo (kupu kē atu: poro rākau)
plane (woodwork) Noun, Transitive Verb
tīwani ~a (takenga mai: tīwani - to scrape, dress, smooth)
paraki (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: papa rākau)
tāwē (kupu kē atu: whakatātūtū)
whakatātūtū (takenga mai: whakatātūtū - to sound with a line for the depth) (kupu kē atu: tāwē)
tārairai tuku (takenga mai: tuku - to descend, let down)
papa tāpatu (takenga mai: papa - board, timber, anything broad and flat; tāpatu [tāpatupatu] - place in layers, one upon another)
kāpia waerau (takenga mai: waerau - polymer)
huarahi (kupu kē atu: aramahi)
aramahi (takenga mai: ara - pathway; mahi - activity, operation) (kupu kē atu: huarahi)
tukanga (takenga mai: tukatuka - to start up, proceed forward)
tauira whakamātau (takenga mai: tauira - model; whakamātau - trial)
panihi (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
rou pana (takenga mai: rou - a long stick used to reach anything, reach or procure by means of a pole; pana - to push)
quality control, quality assurance Noun, Intransitive Verb
whakaū (i te) kounga (takenga mai: whakaū - to confirm, establish)
whakakopa wetetere
niho awaniao
hono niao (takenga mai: niao - rim, lip, edge)
rabbet, rebate (woodwork) Noun
awaniao (takenga mai: awa - groove; niao - rim, lip, edge)
waku matanui (takenga mai: waku - rub, scrape, abrade; matanui - coarse grained) (kupu kē atu: waku kaitara)
pana hurimua/hurimuri
revolving centre, live centre (of a lathe) Noun
koi hurihuri (takenga mai: koi - sharp point; hurihuri - to revolve)
right angle joint (woodwork) Noun
hono whakahāngai (takenga mai: whakahāngai - at right angles)
rip (timber) Noun, Transitive Verb
kōreparepa ~tia (takenga mai: kōreparepa - to split, rip)
kani kōreparepa (takenga mai: kōreparepa - to split, rip)
round over bit (computing) Noun
niho kōpuku (takenga mai: niho - tooth, bit [of a tool]; kōpuku - rounded [in shape])
rounded edge (e.g. of timber) Noun
tapa kōpuku (takenga mai: kōpuku - be convex, rounded)
tārairai (takenga mai: tārairai [tārai] - to fashion, shape, sculpt [timber])
niho tārairai
rūri (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: tauine)
sand, sander (woodwork) Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective
whakamaene ~tia (takenga mai: whakamaene - to make smooth)
tātua whakamaene (takenga mai: tātua - belt; whakamaene - to make smooth; whakamaene [pepa whakamaene] - sandpaper)
kōpae whakamaene
rango whakamaene (takenga mai: rango - cylinder; whakamaene - to make smooth; whakamaene [pepa whakamaene] - sandpaper)
tākai whakamaene (takenga mai: tākai - to wrap around; whakamaene - to make smooth; whakamaene [pepa whakamaene] - sandpaper)
pepa whakamaene (takenga mai: whaka - causative prefix; maene - smooth)
pia (kupu kē atu: tahe)
kani ~a
mira kani rākau (takenga mai: mira [kupu mino] - mill; kani - to saw)
sawn timber, rough sawn timber Noun
rākau kanikani
mata waruwaru (takenga mai: mata - blade, edge; waruwaru - to scrape, pare)
huriwiri (takenga mai: huri - to turn; wiri [tīwiri] - screw)
seasoned timber, dried timber Noun
rākau kaimāoa (takenga mai: kaimāoa - be dry, without sap)
set square, square (marking out tool) Noun
tāhāngai (takenga mai: tā - to draw, mark; hāngai - perpendicular)
shape, fashion, sculpt Transitive Verb
tārai ~a (kupu kē atu: auaha)
whakakoi ~a
shavings, scrapings (of wood etc) Noun
waruhanga (takenga mai: waruwaru - to scrape)
kakano poto
whao tītaha
slice, whittle, shaping knife (woodwork) Noun, Transitive Verb
kōripi ~a (takenga mai: kōripi - to cut, slice, knife)
whakakopa tāneke
rākau mohe
raparapa (takenga mai: raparapa - sole of foot)
ārai kora
keu tere (takenga mai: keu - trigger [of a gun etc]; tere - speed)
whakamaene tokohuri (takenga mai: whakamaene - to make smooth; whakamaene [pepa whakamaene] - sandpaper; tokohuri - spindle)
spindle, arbor, rotating shaft, mandrel Noun
tokohuri (takenga mai: toko - to support with a pole, prop up, rod; huri - to turn)
wharowharo (takenga mai: wharowharo - to scrape)
whakakopa pūniko
hunga whaipānga
korahi arowhānui (takenga mai: aro - to face, take heed; whānui - generally, widely, broadly)
staple (fastener) Noun, Transitive Verb
tēpara ~tia (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)
pū tēpara
tūtira tēpara (takenga mai: tūtira - to line up, row; tēpara [kupu mino] - staple)
wūru maitai
niho torotika
straight grain (of timber) Noun
kakano aritahi
straight grained, even grained (of timber) Adjective
aritahi (kupu kē atu: pūkaka, mākohe)
straight grained, even grained (of timber) Adjective
mākohe (kupu kē atu: aritahi, pūkaka)
straight grained, even grained (of timber) Adjective
pūkaka (kupu kē atu: aritahi, mākohe)
tukanga tatango
kāpia inati (takenga mai: inati - to be extraordinary, exceptional)
hanga toitū (kupu kē atu: hautaonga toitū)
hautaonga toitū (kupu kē atu: hanga toitū)
takenga toitū
sustainable, sustainability Noun, Adjective
toitū ~tanga
tārairai whaipapa (takenga mai: tārairai - router; whai - having, possessing; papa - flat hard surface)
kani whaipapa (takenga mai: kani - saw; whai - possessing; papa - flat surface)
puri tauteka (takenga mai: puri - to hold, means of holding; tauteka - prop, brace)
rūri pōkai (takenga mai: rūri - ruler [kupu mino]; pōkai - to roll up)
hae tāwekoweko (takenga mai: hae - to tear; tāwekoweko - to be frayed, shabby)
kani whai tuarā
ngauwiri (takenga mai: ngau - to bite; wiri - to twist, bore)
timber slab, board, plank Noun
papa rākau (kupu kē atu: paraki [kupu mino])
tip, tail (of a tool etc) Noun
toi (takenga mai: toi - tip, point)
tolerance (of a dimension) Noun
tepe korahi (takenga mai: tepe - boundary, limit; korahi - dimension)
hono awa-arero (takenga mai: awa - groove; arero - tongue)
pae taputapu (takenga mai: pae - horizontal perch, rest; taputapu - tool)
treated timber, preserved timber Noun
rākau whakauka (takenga mai: whakauka - to preserve, to be lasting)
unseasoned timber, green timber Noun
rākau kaimata
whao haehae
purimau (takenga mai: puri - to hold, means of holding; mau - lay hold of, grasp)
warp, warped (timber) Adjective, Intransitive Verb
kōrori (kupu kē atu: tahatonga)
warped (of timber) Intransitive Verb, Adjective
tahatonga (kupu kē atu: kōrori)
kāpia parewai (takenga mai: pare - to ward off, turn aside; wai - water)
kāpia pihi (takenga mai: pihi - watertight)
kakano karekare
with the grain (timber) Noun, Adjective
haratua (takenga mai: haratua - to dress timber lengthwise with an adze)
paetārai rākau
paparahi rākau (takenga mai: papa - board, slab, plank, anything broad, flat and hard; rahi - large; rākau - tree, timber)
kirirākau (takenga mai: kiri - skin; rākau - wood, timber)
purimau rākau
honohono rākau
taiwhanga mahi rākau
ringa mahi rākau
papa mahi
tūpapa mahi